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Friday, April 17, 2020

In Memoriam :: BasilS

In Memoriam : BasilS - Bishagawa and Yozadake (1955-56)


Below photos were taken while Basil was attending B17 tour.  From the 1990s at CAK (Canton/Akron airport) when the B-17 ‘Aluminum Overcast” was on tour.
Basil also served with the 637th AC&W Squadron at Othello, Washington, as well as the radar site at Yaak, Montana.
courtesy Clarksan

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Face Mask For Safer Shopping

Here is a simple face mask that I fashioned out of a bounty paper towel.

1 Fold it into a triangle

2 Use your fingernail to form a slit opening at the corners

3  Slide rubber band thru the slit and make a slip knot with the band. Slip one end of band into the other end and pull. 

Actually you don't need a slit at the corners. A tightened slip knot around the corners should be sufficient.

I use this when going shopping. A lot of people are wearing masks. So should you.

Try it you'll like it. You'll look like a bandit. :-)

Optional: Fold below chin excess and secure with paper clip (see results below)




RodK with optional fold



Cockpit Chatter Sounds Familiar




